As healthcare professionals seek greater accessibility and relevance in their professional development, high-quality online continuing education courses and emerging technologies will only continue to grow in importance.
Through ExamCenter911, healthcare professionals can keep up to date with the latest trends, and ensure they are providing the best care possible to their patients.
Advanced Certifications/Courses
ACLS Review Course
ACLS Rhythm Validation Certification
Basic Airway and Oxygenation Core Competency
Chest Pain Competency-Based Certification
Chest Tube Education and Competency
Conscious Sedation Training and Certificate of Course Completion
EpiPen® Education, Training and Certification
Forensics Specimen Collection Certification
National Patient Safety Certification
NCLEX-RN Nursing Exam Review
NARCAN® Training and Certification
NARCAN® Instructor Training and Certification
Pediatric Abuse and Injury Pattern Recognition Certification
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Certification
Stroke Competency and Certification
Suicide…Saving Lives Through Training, Education and Prevention
Telemetry Advanced Certification (TAC)
Basic Telemetry Competency and Certification of Course Completion
Telemetry Specialists Certification (Tele-Spec)
Triage Competency and Certification
Vascular Access Competency and Certificate of Course Completion
Rapid Response Hospital Courses
Basic Certifications/Courses
Basic Drivers Education Exam
Basic Emergency and Disaster Training
Blood Borne Pathogen Training, Competency and Certification
Child Care Provider Basic Certification
DUI/Alcohol & Substance Abuse Certification
Emergency Response (Active Shooter) First Aid Training
EpiPen® Education, Training and Certification
Fire Safety and Burn Recognition Certification
Food Service Safety Certification
Health Care Advocate Certification
Medication Administration Basic Certification
NARCAN® Training and Certification
NARCAN® Instructor Training and Certification
Self Rescue and Stress Management Certification
Suicide…Saving Lives Through Training, Education and Prevention
Administration and Leadership Courses **NEW**
Basic Health Care Administration and Management
Health Care Administration and Management - Intermediate Course

ExamCenter911 offers online training and continuing education for:
Community Health Care Providers

Community health care providers are vital to today's health care system. ExamCenter911 provides online education and core competency evaluations that improve public, community and patient safety. We provide online training for:
Business Personnel
Corporate Personnel
Law Enforcement Personnel
Security Personnel
Aviation and Airport Personnel
Food and Restaurant Personnel
Group Home Personnel
Assisted Living Facility Personnel
Park Rangers
Our Training Goals and Objectives
- Promote education among community and health care providers.
- Promote safety with the community as well as hospitals and health care organizations.
- Evaluate core competency on a particular subject matter.
- Provide training and credentialing in both a time efficient and cost effective manner.
How ExamCenter911 Courses are Structured
ExamCenter911 courses are self-contained. This means the courses are structured so that study and test materials are presented together in a series of multiple-choice or true-false questions. No outside study materials need to be downloaded; simply select a course, register, then answer each of the questions in the course.
Answers to the test questions will contain a summary that explains the answer in more detail. This summary provides a built-in educational study guide to assist users in gaining knowledge of the concepts in the course.
Some courses contain questions with videos. Click on the video to view it and answer "Yes" to obtain credit for the particular question before moving to the next item in the course.
ExamCenter911 courses have a huge advantage:
- Train from the comfort of home….and love it!
- Courses can be completed on your schedule and at your own pace.
- Log in and take courses at any time and as often as needed.
- Training is confidential and can be repeated as needed.
- A Certificate of Course Completion is provided immediately after successful completion (available for download and printing and is stored within our database).
- Training records are stored and available 24/7/365. You can always access your record if you need to verify continuing education training.